Lockdown has given us the chance to catch up with lots of our awesome chef ambassadors in their downtime and hear what they’ve been up to when not busy in the kitchen.
We thought it might be nice to share a few of their words of support as we know it can be such a hard time just now, especially for our young trainees who have only really just embarked on their career but have suddenly found themselves out of work all too soon. Believe it or not, chefs feel a bit lost too, they’re not used to not working and find it hard to sit still without something to do!
First up we heard from Stephen Hampson, of the Sodexo Sports & Leisure team. Stephen has been the Sous chef at Hampden Park for 4 years now, he has been supporting the Hi! employability programmes for the last couple of years, providing fun cooking challenges to trainees, chances to learn during work experience in the stadium kitchens and supporting many of you to gain employment with Sodexo, in particular during the 2018 European Championships which was an amazing opportunity to be a part of.

To keep your mind off what’s happening Stephen’s keen to share the message that things will pick up again, kitchens will be busier than ever so please try to enjoy this time off while you can, learn some new recipes and keep busy!
Stephen has shared his chocolate brownie recipe here with us, we cant wait to try it! Why not send us your pictures if you manage to have a go? Stephen would love to see them!
There’s hundreds of different chocolate brownie recipes, here’s a great website I’ve been using during lockdown: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/chocolate_brownies
The ingredients Stephen used were:
- 185g unsalted butter
- 185g dark chocolate
- 85g plain flour
- 40g cocoa powder
- 50g white chocolate
- 50g milk chocolate
- 3 large eggs
- 275g golden caster sugar

Thanks for reading, and remember when you start working again you will look back on this time and wish you had spent more time relaxing, learning new things or catching up on boxsets, so be kind to yourself and enjoy a little me time!
Safe at home, not stuck at home